Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Last holiday

Whelloep and welcome.
And today i want to tell you the tales of my last holiday
Its basically me having my 14th birthday at the 23rd of Deember, going to my grandparenta house and eating and sleeping which is my main activity
On this holiday i get to spend more time with my cousins which is a rare occasion since my familh is spread all around the globe.
Anywho, last holiday was fantastic!
After having my birthday i got to have a well deserved rest , a break from all the things happening in school.
I got to spend a lot of time with my dear grandparents so very much in jakarta, which is basically eating and sleeping
After a few days in jakarta me , my cousins and my aunt visited a wonderful restaurant to bring our grandparents to lunch in a fancy schmancy place.
We get to eat delicious seafood while sitting in such comfy space
And that practically sums up my last holiday. I hope you guys got to have a better vacation than me! Bye! :)